Today we talk about virgin hair, the processed hair bracelets unprocessed hair here. A lot of people are trying to make prices. It looks like it's bad. You know you have to have the best quality here--unprocessed hair. The processed hair doesn't mean it's bad. It might be processed chemical process or sleep process. Just by I'm glad my house up here that have a process line which is a steam process for curl. Just to give you that cool texture the curl pattern and things like that.
What is processed hair?
I prefer here that steam process compared to a chemical process. Just in case chemical processes. Sometimes they use different chemicals just to get that curl pattern that body with a or that curl type pattern stuff like. Anything with that is you have here is chemical NC process what it sounds of colour. It loosens of that curl pattern or that wave pattern. I know you've probably seen many companies review here. They're like bigger is a really pretty massage you play any kind of colour on it. It’s dead, like no-curl, no way, whatever that's because of this steam process and chemical process. Then you're doing another process you're lifting the hair. you're depositing colour to it. So that's one common you can see with the process here. But not all processed hair is bad like you have some really nice curl patterns this chemical process nothing. Tell us coming across to smell like that corn chips smell or different kind of from other high smells. You can notice a wound. That bad has been a chemical process. Even when the steam process you get wefts that kind of straight like one-two ridges. It has a little weight. That's chemically processed. So thus things that you might not like about it. But with it sometimes you have here. The chemical editing process you can have really nice lustre shouldn't achieve texture match better. Sometimes this Asian hair and Brazilian hair. Hope you know vendors or people do not have them. Like us, you have to process it. Just to mimic our hair textures this is like kinky curly hair, yaki hair, a new Malaysian process with a kinky curly hair or afro curly hair, light yaki or coarse yaki hair.
The hair blends with our hair and it has to be processed to change. It looks doesn't mean bad, doesn't mean it's going to tangle up on you. It's not going to last you a long time. It just means that it has to be processed to blend with your hair texture. Just like if your hair is straight and you want to have sure your hair is naturally kinky. You want to be sure you have to chemically process. to be straight. If your hair is naturally straight you want a perm curl. you have to process it to have that jerry curl. Does it mean its own damage it's bad for you? that's the difference between process hair and unprocessed hair.
What’s unprocessed hair?
On the other side raw unprocessed hair. Sometimes when you have hair that's raw unprocessed curly hair. You can flat iron it straight and do about things to it. It doesn't tend to lose its curl pattern with time compared to having invested already occur. I mean curl process both unprocessed with some process here. That will babble is hard to manage. Sometimes can get really frizzy sometimes hard to tame. sometimes it doesn't match your hair texture to a key. When it comes to unprocessed after like rushing in the process. It's really nice it blends with our hair textures so very well. Because it comes to medium lustre. You know medium-coarse different texture that blend which is here now. Because you're African-American or Hispanic or different races. I mean you have necessarily recourse here. I don't have intercourse here. I have like really fine as thick but it's fine. so we're of course it doesn't really blend with my hair at all. Because my hair is very coarse. So they do give me the office option just like Filipino um hair poking on. It's really silky and thick. You have a relaxer in my blemish or here you want to clip in. Something like that in my limit your hair a lot than other textures. Only thing is with unprocessed hair takes better to colour with me.
What I've experienced it takes birth to color. Because it hasn't gone for those processing levels of makes T process or chemical process
during a journey. So that's nothing you need to keep in mind bloom with our process here. Normally it costs a lot more than the process here. Even though the process has gone through more steps just to
find that raw state of the hair cost a lot more money. That's why washing here is more expensive. Just choose other about unprocessed hair. When you find unprocessed from the source means interview or from Alibaba and things like that. It comes in ponytails what
version ponytails. Sometimes those ponytails are hard to match altogether when you're buying.
Difference Between Processed Hair and Unprocessed Hair
Make sure whoever you say you're here to that they have the cuticles in life. They don't have hair tangles so bad. It will matter even if you have great quality here. Sometimes you have to deal with those issues and when your order process. You really don't have to deal with those issues whilst time. It's really steep price for any kind of curl. You want to have it already formed so those are two pros and cons. You didn't choose you me personally I like both I like I'm expression here a lot better than presented here. Nowadays
Brazilian it's nice but I saw what kind of company you born from auto or from companies. That has been established for a while when it comes to Brasilia proving here. Because I can see more feedback reviews. so just consider mod when you're ordering here. Just because of your ordering process here. I think good a lot of ladies shop makeup people that can't afford a process. Think that you can the person you're approving your girls get some machine. You're like it's not that serious. They can afford Brazilian here Brazilian tends to be a lot cheaper. Then rushing you're hearing things like. Let them go for it you know like whatever rocks your boat.